Two April 3rd elections have led to split results in Colorado over the issue of the bag bans.
Voters in Basalt, Colorado overturned an ordinance that would ban plastic bags in grocery stores as well as add a 20-cent fee for paper bags. Basalt’s town council voted in September to place a fee on both plastic and paper bags, but opted for a plastic bag ban instead. This was met with opposition by petitioning citizens, who called for a town vote. When the vote was taken, voters rejected the ban 401 to 363. |
Meanwhile, in Carbondale, CO, citizens voted to uphold a bag ordinance of their own that would also ban plastic bags and place a 20-cent fee on paper ones. Though Carbondale’s ban was also met with some opposition, it was upheld when those in favor of it won the vote, narrowly defeating the naysayers 718 to 691. The ban goes into effect on May 1st. |
Aspen, CO has also passed a bag ban of its own—one that’s similar to the Carbondale ban—that will go into effect on May 1st as well. Aspen’s ordinance will be implemented with no petition set to overturn it. |
If you have any questions about this ban or any other bag legislation around the country, feel free to call us at 1-888-429-5673. Our bag specialists are qualified to explain how this ban affects you, and help you find bags that are in compliance with your local legislation.
Sources: Aspen Daily News
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