RECYCLABLE PAPER BAG shall mean a paper bag that (1) contains no oldgrowth fiber; (2) is 100% recyclable overall and contains a minimum of 40% postconsumer recycled content; and (3) displays the word Recyclable on the outside of the bag.
REUSABLE BAG shall mean a bag with handles that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse that is provided by a Covered Store to its Customer at the point of sale and is capable of carrying twenty-two (22) pounds over a distance of one hundred and seventy five feet (175) for a minimum of one hundred and twenty five (125) uses and is either: (a) made of cloth or other machine washable fabric; or (b) made of durable plastic that is at least 4 mils thick.
COVERED STORE shall mean an establishment engaged in the retail sale of personal, consumer or household items including but not limited to drug stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, foodmarts, apparel stores, home center and hardware stores, stationary and office supply stores, farmers markets, open-air flea markets and food service establishments that provide carryout bags to consumers. This term does not include food service establishments located outside of grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores or food marts.