Reusable Bag means a bag that is: (a) Designed and manufactured to withstand repeated uses over a period of time; (b) Is machine washable or, made from a material that can be cleaned and disinfected regularly; (c) That is at least 4.0 mil thick if made from plastic; (d) Has a minimum lifetime of 75 uses; and (e) Has the capability of carrying a minimum of 18 pounds
The term Store means any of the following retail establishments located within the Town of Topsham: (a) a full-line, self-service market located in a permanent building, operating year-round, and which sells at retail a line of staple foodstuffs, meats, produce, household supplies, dairy products or other perishable items. (b) a drug store, pharmacy, supermarket, grocery store, convenience food store, food mart, or other entity engaged in the retail sale of a limited line of goods that includes milk, bread, soda, and snack foods. Store does not mean: Businesses at which foodstuffs are an incidental part of the business. Food sales will be considered to be incidental if such sales comprise no more than 2 percent of the business’s gross sales in the Town as measured by the dollar value of food sales as a percentage of the dollar value of total sales at any single location