
Statewide Legislation

Law Status
Status Date
Paper Bag Id Requirements
HB 85
Law Text Details

HB 85: Amend KRS 224.50-545 to establish definitions; prohibit the intentional release of more than 25 plastic balloons; establish a ban on plastic, single-use carryout bags by July 1, 2025; establish a ban the provision of single-use plastic straws and Styrofoam food and beverage containers by retail food and beverage establishments by July 1, 2023; establish civil penalty of $100 per day for violation of bans.

SB 68: Amend KRS 224.50-585 to establish definitions; establish a ban on plastic, single-use carryout bags by July 1, 2025; establish a ban the provision of single-use plastic straws and Styrofoam food and beverage containers by retail food and beverage establishments by July 1, 2023; establish civil penalty of $100 per day for violation of bans.

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