
Pleasant Hills

Law Status
Status Date
Reusable Definition

Any bag with handles that is specifically deigned and manufactured for multiple uses, minimum lifetime capacity of 125 or more uses, carry 22 or more pounds over a distance of at least 175 feet, has a minimum volume of 15 liters, made of cloth or other machine washable fabric, Shall not contain lead, cadmium, or any other heavy metal in toxic amounts. Or made of other durable material including plastic at least 2.25 thick.

Paper Bag Id Requirements
Stores Affected

Retail Establishment. Any commercial establishment that sells perishable or nonperishable goods including, but not limited to, clothing, food, and personal items directly to a Customer; and is located within or doing business within the geographical limits of the City of Pleasant Hill or Public Eating Establishment. A restaurant, take-out food establishment, or any other business that receives 90% or more of its revenue from the sale of Prepared Food to be eaten on or off its premises.

Paper Fee: $0.10 per bag, $0.25 per bag may be reviewed at a future date
Comply Date
Law Text Details

7/14/2014 Approved an introduction of a plastic bag ordinance. Review and final adoption scheduled for the August 4th meeting.

Legislation Filter

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