Accepted, but for a fee
Paper carryout bags provided by covered stores to customers shall contain a minimum of forty percent post-consumer recycled content and be conspicuously labeled with the amount of post-consumer recycled content.
The term reusable carryout bag means a bag with handles that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse and is either (i) made of cloth or other machine washable material, but not film plastic, or (ii) defined as a reusable carryout bag by rule of the commissioner. Reusable carryout bags provided to customers pursuant to this chapter shall be conspicuously labeled as reusable.
The term covered store means a general vendor, green cart or a retail or wholesale establishment engaged in the sale of personal, consumer or household items including but not limited to drug stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, foodmarts, apparel stores, home center and hardware stores, stationery and office supply stores and food service establishments located within grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores or foodmarts that provide carryout bags to customers in which to place purchased items. Such term does not include food service establishments located outside of grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, or foodmarts, including emergency food providers, mobile food vendors that are not green carts, or stores licensed pursuant to section 63 of the state alcoholic beverage control law to sell liquor at retail for consumption off the premises.