REUSABLE CARRYOUT BAG:A carryout bag that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple use, and meets the following criteria:(a)Displays in a highly visible manner on the bag exterior language describing the bag’s ability to be reused and recycled;(b)Has a handle;(c)Is constructed out of any of the following materials:Cloth, other washable fabric, or other durable materials whether woven or non-woven capable of being cleaned and disinfected;2.Plastic film, with a minimum thickness of four (4.0) mills and capable of being cleaned and disinfected;(d)Has a minimum lifetime of 125 uses, which for purposes of this definition means the capability of carrying a minimum of 22 pounds 125 times over a distance of at least 175 feet.
FOOD OR GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT. All sales outlets, stores, shops, vehicles or other places of business located within the town, which operate, sell, or convey foods, or beverages, which foods or beverages are predominantly contained, wrapped or held in or on packaging. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall include, but not be limited to, any place where food is prepared, mixed, cooked, baked, smoked, preserved, bottled, packaged, handled, stored, manufactured and sold or offered for sale, including but not limited to, any fixed or mobile restaurant, drive-in, convenience store, coffee shop, cafeteria, short-order caf, delicatessen, luncheonette, grill, sandwich shop, soda fountain, hotel, motel, movie house, theatre, bed and breakfast inn, tavern, bar, cocktail lounge, nightclub, roadside stand, takeout prepared food place, industrial feeding establishment, catering kitchen, mobile food preparation unit, commissary, event, grocery store, public food market, produce stand, food stand, or similar place in or at which food or drink is prepared for sale, or for service, on the premise or elsewhere, and any other establishment or operation where food is processed, prepared, stored, served, sold, or provided for the public and any organization, group or individual which provides food as part of its service. BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT. Any commercial enterprise that provides carryout bags to its cumomers through its employees or independent contractors associated with the business. The term includes sole proprietorships, joint ventures, partnerships, corporations, or any other legal entity whether for profit or not for profit. This term is inclusive of any store or business, which sells or offers goods or merchandise, located or operating within the town, including those referenced in the definitions of food or grocery establishment and food provider.